Have You Heard About the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a comprehensive personality typing system that categorizes individuals into 9 distinct personality types. Although everyone embodies aspects of all types, each person has one dominant type that defines their core personality. The Enneagram Types range from “The Perfectionist” to “The Mediator,” and everything in between, offering a profound understanding of oneself and others.

Discover their true selves.
The Enneagram provides deep insights into your core motivations, fears, and desires. By identifying your dominant type, you can understand why you think, feel, and behave the way you do.
Unlock their full potential.
Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses allows you to work on personal development. The Enneagram helps you see patterns in your behavior that may be holding you back and offers guidance on how to overcome them.
Enhance understanding in relationships.
By embracing your true self, you can live a more authentic life. Understanding your Enneagram type encourages you to be genuine in your interactions and decisions, leading to greater fulfillment and happiness.

Introducing the Enneagram For
The Culture Podcast
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about why we’re here. The Enneagram For The Culture Podcast brings a unique perspective to the Enneagram community by adding a melanated flavor to an otherwise predominantly white space.
Hosted by Camille and Kimberly, this podcast dives deep into the Enneagram model from a Black and Brown point of view.